What Happens to Your Social Media Accounts at Your Death?

What Happens to Your Social Media Accounts at Your Death?If you’re reading this, you probably have a social media account. Statista reports that more than 295 million people in the United States use social media. So what happens to your account and all that content when you pass away?

If you have spent time creating, uploading, and sharing content, it’s important to take a look at what will happen after you pass away so you can make a decision about your accounts that feels right to you.

What happens to your Facebook account after you die?

If You Do Nothing
According to Facebook’s Help Center, they will memorialize your account if a loved one informs them of your passing. Be aware, though, that it’s not for family, friends, or even your Executor to convince Facebook that they are providing legitimate information. If they accept the transition, your account will be memorialized and no changes will be made to it without a legacy contact. The content you shared during life will remain and will continue to be viewable by your Facebook friends.

Setting up a Legacy Contact
If you want your account to continue to be managed, you will need to designate someone as a legacy contact. This allows continuing content to be posted by your designee who “can accept friend requests on behalf of a memorialized account, pin a tribute post to the profile and change the profile picture and cover photo.”

Having your Account Deleted
You also have the option to have your account permanently deleted when you die. As a result, everything associated with the account, including messages, photos, comments, etc., will also be permanently deleted.

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1 Number of social network users in the United States from 2017 to 2026, Statista (July 2021), https://www.statista.com/statistics/278409/number-of-social-network-users-in-the-united-states/.
2 What will happen to my Facebook account if I pass away?, Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/help/103897939701143 (last visited Nov. 17, 2021).