What do an Estate Plan and a Resume have in common?

What do an Estate Plan and a Resume have in common?A resume is a snapshot of your experience, skill set, and education that provides prospective employers insight into who you are and how you will perform. Imagine not updating your resume for five, ten, or even fifteen years.

If you were looking for a job today, would you send in your resume from 2007? It probably wouldn’t work so well, would it? It would no longer accurately reflect your professional abilities, what you want to do, or what type of job you’d like.

Resumes are like Estate Plans that way. The longer the period between updating, the less useful they will be.

If you have ever been put in the position of probating a 10 or 15 or 30 year old Will or Trust, you will understand this issue. Unfortunately, the first time most people understand the importance of updating their estate plan is usually when they find themselves appointed Executor of an outdated Will.

Outdated estate plans, like outdated resumes, won’t get the job done properly.

If you haven’t updated your own estate plan, think about doing so now. Making sure you have properly taken your family’s needs into account is an ongoing project – it’s not a “one and done” project but one that, like your resume, requires periodic review and attention.

Call our office now to get your estate planning review scheduled. You may be pleasantly surprised to find out that no changes are needed! But, more likely than not, once you go through your current plan with a professional, you’ll find things that need changing or updating. Updating is the best way to ensure that your estate plan will do exactly what you want it to do when that time comes.

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