Helping Hartford, CT Residents Through the Process

About Connecticut Probate

While the Probate system may seem like a list of easy and straightforward steps, the old adage that “where there’s money, there are relatives” is never more true.

Many factors can arise which will complicate matters such as potentially invalid or fraudulent creditor claims, the status of previously unknown heirs, analysis of competing Wills, etc., etc.

There are more ways that a probate can “go wrong” than you can count. An experienced probate attorney can help avoid delays and minimize conflict by guiding the Executor through the process with sage advice based on many years of experience.

While you may be able to educate yourself in the nuances of probate law if you are appointed fiduciary, or learn that you are a beneficiary, usually learning something new while you are grieving the loss of someone you loved is generally not to your benefit. Take advantage of the years of experience an attorney has, and let them help. You’ll be glad you did.

Helping You Protect Your Family

When You're Here and When You're Not

Our mission is to help, educate, and serve families across the State of Connecticut with their Probate needs. We have connections with qualified attorneys in almost every State, so we can also assist with ancillary probate of 2nd homes and other property outside of CT.

We don’t believe in “cookie cutter” solutions. We’re committed to learning about the unique goals and desires of every client so that we can provide customized solutions which match their needs.

We teach our clients about the law, and they teach us about their families and intentions, so our work is done in a true partnership. We love our long-term relationships with our clients, many of whom participate in our C.A.R.E. program, who we enjoy seeing year after year.

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